Centre Radio.

Increase footfall, dwell time and spend

What is Centre Radio?

Centre Radio creates the perfect atmosphere for your shoppers. It improves their experience, enhances their mood, and creates an environment that encourages footfall, dwell time and spend and improves operational efficiency. Active in over 200+ centres in the UK, you can use Centre Radio to.

Publicise and pre-promote all marketing events and promotions, increasing revisits and dwell times

Communicate all your key facilities and operation messages – closing times, trading hours, vaping policies etc.

Promote and theme for all retail calendar and seasonal events: e.g., Valentine’s Day, Easter, Halloween etc.

Drive footfall into stores, up floors and to events.

Find out more

What you get.

Media Player

Technology owned by us, leased to you for the term of the agreement

Curated Playlists

Access to 25 profiled and curated playlists

Professional Scripts

10 professionally scripted messages on set up (male or female voice)

Software Licence

We handle the necessary legal requirements

Customer Support

Technical Support, Maintenance & Warranty


Access to client area and reporting

Automated Voice Messaging.

Professional voice messaging reaches everyone in your centre and can influence shopper behaviour and spend. Here are some examples of policies you can use in store radio to tell shoppers about. Audio messaging will reach all your shoppers, in the mall, in-store, in lift lobbies or car parks.

It is highly effective, subtle and unavoidable., ensuring your shoppers hear what you want to tell them.

Shopping Centre Managers Improve Operational Efficiency With Centre Radio.

No more staff voices – professional, friendly & digital quality
Choose from over 40 pre-scripted facilities, security and customer messages or write your own
Publicise changes in Bank Holidays and Christmas trading hours
Instant play of key messages: e.g. security, bags and belongings, no smoking
Promote all shopper services e.g.shopmobility
Use radio to help closing procedures (we are closing in 15, 10, 5 minutes)

The Power of Music.

Music is proven to increase dwell times and spend. It can positively change the mood of your shoppers. And here are some stats to back it up.

Plus, music is profiled for you and themed to your brand with multiple playlists to choose from throughout the year.

At OnBrand, we like to keep on trend and well researched in all our areas of specialism!

of retail businesses agree that they would lose business if they turned the music off
say playing good music significantly improves image
believe they can positively influence the behaviour of customers through playing music
say music is an important factor in creating the ideal atmosphere
agree that music makes customers happier
of customers would be willing to pay 5% more for products and services from businesses that play music

Common Questions.

A P.A. system, network point and a plug! We can supply PA & sound systems if you need on quote.

Speak to us.

Interested in our Centre Radio offering? Get in touch to find out more.

Call us on: 03333 220022 or email us at [email protected]


    Happy Retailers.

    Curated Playlists.

    Get your shoppers in the mood for any occasion, celebration of calendar event with curated playlists designed to create the perfect atmosphere.

    Valentine’s Day
    Approx Length: 12 Hours
    Suitable for: All day play. General Valentine’s pop music.

    Automated Messaging.

    Set the tone, the ambience and get those all important messages out there!

    Male Message #1

    Male Message #2

    Female Message #1

    Female Message #2